10. Not another artwork analysis...

Writing about art seems to be a kind of responsible and a bit frustrating activity. What I tried to achieve during this assignment is to turn the process into a more interest-enthusiasm based activity. I can say that I succeeded in this most of the time and wrote about some aspects within the topic that are of particular interest to me. I tried to optimize the information. It helped to be more organized and narrow the focus. A drawback of this approach was that as I tried to be more specific in my analysis, some other important things could be missed out.

An ability to explore was a great practice. I am talking about how we discussed some theoretical material  and applied it to a self-chosen example afterwards. I tried to make a good research into an existing body of artworks and found many interesting artists as well as had an ability to go deeper into those I already knew. Besides, it boosts a skill of developing artistic vision and find connections. Interpreting an artwork allows to see different viewpoints of other authors and, among them, situate your subjective opinion, discover some clues that seem to be more considerable in the explanation of how the artwork 'works'. Similarly, this process makes you explore a wider context to find how an example fits into it and how complimentary and influential it can be.

I think that for the theses I should take an even more exploratory approach. It will be easier as we have only one artwork to analyze and can chose a theoretical basis for this analyses. What really helps is that we had quite a thorough discussion of the theories to apply during the classes and analysed many examples that I probably wouldn't find myself. On the other side, I still feel like I was a bit lost in the amount of information we received. So it would be a good idea to make the process of research and writing more organized. I like writing and hope to bring this skill to a higher level in the future. 

Overall, as for me,a short blog is a suitable format for starting with critical analyses writing. It is a more relaxed and free way of expression, as it seems to be closer to what we are used to do nowadays, for example posting in social networks. Besides, I feel there is a need to improve my vocabulary concerning writing about art, so that to produce better content. I can say, it is my next goal in terms of the module.

Infinite Reflection
Vivian Maier
