7.Analyzing 'Simpsonwave'

The article 'Simpsonwave :Nostolgia and sentiment in Dystopia'. 'Simpsonwave' is a trend in video-remixing which started as a Vine and continued to be developed by inspired web-users. In the article 'Simpsonwave :Nostolgia and sentiment in Dystopia', the author was explaining how the phenomenon of simpsonwave evolved. Along the narration, the analysis is used to show different stages of simpsonwave, including those not very successful, and it's development, not avoiding some historic comments. In the article, several simpsonwave videos are analysed. The author explains how the episodes of the show are combined together with 'vaporwave' music results in creating some nostalgic mood and sentimentality. At the same time, the article explains how the genre reflects the issues of society, politics and even psychology. 

Within the analysis, the author pays attention to every specific song and why the peculiarities of it's sound can create certain mood within a context of Simpsons plot. This is implied by using a lot of descriptions and analysis, so that to give background information about the episode and make sense of each piece. It is done in order to show how art is more and more a combination and connection of different media rather than a  The examples of videos shows how the remix effect works - bring re-contextualization of the original media text in order to create new images and moods. For example:

"...the video is noticeably darker in tone than Spicster's vine, and in this way is able to mesh more appropriately with the foreboding catharsis of "Teen Pregnancy". (description/analysis)

"It's slowed down reverb soaked loop of a 1980's-soft rock hit, combined with the retro computer graphics of the early 1990's..."(description/analysis)

The article digs even deeper by suggesting a broader context that help in getting more insight about how the video and music are complimentary to each other on the emotional level. While talking about sentimentality in dystopia, as a characteristic of Simpsonwave, the author tells about how the ancestor-bands to vaporwave genre were fulfilling nostalgic functions by referencing such concepts as dystopia, the Cold War and the time when original illustrators left 'The Simpsons'. Such parallels are drawn by applying theory analyzing tool.

"The music by Boards of Canada and Blade Runner yearns for a different world, and it is the same longing...that underpins..simpsonwave in general."

Reference list:

Soapy (2016). 'Simpsonwave: Nostalgia and Sentiment in dystopia'. [online]. Available at:<https://libcom.org/blog/simpsonwave-nostalgia-sentiment-dystopia-09122016>. (Accessed 12 November 2017). 
