Installation art, as a modern space-modifier

The cases when art works involved the direct interaction of the audience have been known for some time. We know it from the performance art and Karpov's 'Happenings' . These activities, with time, turned into the art phenomenon that taken social interaction in art on a new level. What is remarkable about site - specific art? It is a way to re-contextualize and bring new functions to a certain space. Some artists manage to find conceptual connection between their work and a specific location, whereas others use their work to alter the reality within the space. Such artworks can find themselves on the street of the city or some not typical for art places, but also in the galleries.

An important feature of installation art is it's ability to work as unifying factor for people. The conditions created by large -scale projects attract and somehow make people stay within, interact and take part in the project. It is a mutually beneficial relationship: artwork creates a new social reality for people, and people construct the conceptual fulfillment of the artwork.

Roger Hiorns

'Seizure' is an example of installation art. British artist Roger Hiorns covered the walls of old flat in the North of London with copper sulfate and turned the surfaces into crystals. It is argued whether the project was site specific, or the location of the flat was a matter of the flat's availability. Nevertheless, the artist managed to change the perception f the council flat and turn it into something that will unite people. The audience played a role of space-modifier within the space of ' Seizure' . Many people broke pieces of crystals and took them away. It can be considered as intrusion into the process of crystal growth and makes us think what would happen to the place without this flow of enthusiasts. 

The space is something that has an ability to shape human feelings. Our perception of space is different. Nevertheless, while being put into similarly strange conditions, people tend to express more similarities in feelings. The goal of the artists who want to create a successful site -specific installation , tend to think wider, above the walls of the premises they want to use. If this goal is reached, the viewer on the other side will get a proper sublime experience, a feeling of in-attainability. The term derived from Romanticism painters and was mostly used referred to the vast beauty of nature.

Feelings are facts
Olafur Eliasson and Chinese architect Ma Yansong

An example of atmosphere site- specific installation, that was built for a certain premises. It takes a large space which is created int a light/colour/smoke show. The artists aimed to create a place that will take some time to explore. The walking experience inside is told to be something that you never expect from reality. The viewer gets a chance to change his perception that will happen inevitably. The fog makes the space more material and evoked curiosity. The installation helps to analyze the perception of reality through the subjective experiences. 

